Friday 11 January 2008

Focusing on happiness

Somewhere in the world hot girls are getting ready to party at some stupid club. There are boys and girls drinking cheap vodka in some squalor halls and residences ready to unleash their glory. Somewhere in the world an 80year old man is railing some hot girls who are decades younger than him.
I'm lying here. I always thought it was best to maximise the positives and minimise the negatives. Unfortunately, most people with similar philosophies spend too much of their time focussing on what they don't want than what makes them happy.

I've decided to write a list of things I like and would like to focus more time on:
-Ripped abs
-Cardio workouts
-Cultivating a rock-staresque lifestyle
-Reading cool shit
-Science fiction
-The Beatles
-Motley Crue
-Cool music
-David Lee Roth
-Enjoying myself
-Cool dvds
-Video games
-Schwinn bicycle

The realisation is that I have to step back from people and focus entirely on myself for a while.


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