Sunday 28 October 2007

Friday Night...

A bottle of whiskey before going out + Trebles + Absinthe + Trying to get off with girls best friend + Arguing with girl + More Whiskey + Cocaine + Reckless AMOGing = Guarenteed recipe for disaster.


Friday 26 October 2007


I'm on a mission to read a book a week. I've ordered some pretty cool books recently.
-Marilyn Manson bio
-Lolita by Nabokov
-Gravity's rainbow
-Post office by Bukowski
-For whom the bell tolls by Hemingway

and so on.

After I've finished the current batch, I want to read some Celine. I'm gonna get started on really heavy shit like the Marcel Proust stuff and Ulysses in the new year.

Thursday 25 October 2007

Wednesday karaoke

I got a phone-call from one of the girls I've been kinda seeing and was invited to karaoke. Now I love me some karaoke, and I was in a 'lets just fucking do this shit' mood, so i threw on my Members only jacket, wifebeater and dirty black jeans and headed out at 11pm... arriving at the scene for 11:30ish.

Now my first impressions, are like very droll. I see the girl and she's sitting at the back with her best friend and a really tall good-looking guy, I'm like 'Ah, I recognise that guy, I pulled a hot bitch off him in the club before, and he was fucking pissed. Great.' So I order me a glass of the shittiest scotch and head on over.

Anyway, turns out this guy is really fucking cool. Really nice guy. I amp up the sexual tension with my girl sing 'Is this Love' for some reason. Amp up the sexual tension a bit more, drink more shitty scotch, sing 'Seperate ways' amp up the sexual tension some more, drink more shitty scotch sing 'On the wings of love' so by the time, this place closes Ive had six shitty scotches and have one hawt horny biatch.

Anyway, we head to another late night bar, and this is where the fun starts... the girl I'm with, is getting hit on from all fucking angles, and I'm battling off chodes like crazy. I have no intention of losing this girl.

Some 30year old total alpha males totally start hitting on her, and I view these guys as a legit threat... this pisses me off, I'm dragging her off and she's being drawn back to these guys. Man. But I'm a battling this shit.

These guys invite us all back to 'a party' at there place, and naturally my girl who I've done all this work on, and these chodes are stealing my fucking heat says yes. Okay whatever. I drag my girl off and commence hardcore tonguedown. No fucking around here. Now I'm all business.

We all go back to these guys' apartment, and the apartment itself is fucking HAWT. Drinks are getting passes around, joints, and some coke, I'm like whatever yo. Give me this shit.

One of the alpha male chodes is still trying to pick her up. But hey, I'm the shit, so I up the coolness quotient and have my girl fucking entranced by my sheer presence and glory. Nice.

I am off my face and end up in this chodes bed with this girl. :) (When we were looking for the bedroom, I accidentally barged through a door that led into his kitchen, and I think some broke some shit) So much glory.

I get into bed with my girl, and I'm fucking shaking from the cocaine, weed and alcohol. We makeout and I joke that the guy whose apartment it is, is probably outside the door listening in. I look up, and there's the guy whose apartment it is is actually standing there in the room WTF?

We make out for a while longer, and chill just chill together, no sex actually took place. Which I'm not really too bothered by because of the fucking booze and drugs I'm on... on the other hand I kinda wanted to splurge all over the guys sheets for that little invasion of privacy, yea, it was his bed, but hey.

After this, my girls bff starts vomiting profusely and sobbing about how bad her life is, I tell her to shut fuck up, and stop being an ego-maniac, this actually seems to work, and I actually end up lying on a bed talking to her about sex and all that shit, and it was on... but I kinda felt sorry for the guy she was with, and didn't fuck her, because I'm kind like that.

The guy she's with comes in, and now *he* starts whining about his life problems, and I'm reminded of the Breakfast Club, where all the weirdos sit around smoking joints and opening up their hearts, whilst smoking joints. Very 80's pastiche.

The guy whose apartment it is, by now is evidently pissed off as he had aspirations of banging my girl or her bff, and kicks us out of his bedroom. We return to his living room, and drink more beer, it dawns on me it's 7:30am and I've been drinking for 8 hours.

The guy whose apartment it is, by now is evidently pissed off as he had aspirations of banging my girl or her bff, and kicks us out of his bedroom. We return to his living room, and drink more beer, it dawns on me it's 7:30am and I've been drinking for 8 hours.

This whole night was soo fucking weird... I've only just got back from wandering around town after leaving at 8in the morning.

One of the girls I was with kicked a man in a chicken suit this morning in town, and there was lots of weirdos. I held a small snake for the first time, I made a new friend. Good times. But anway I think I kinda like the girl from last night. We even walked around town today holding hands :) It was magical


Tuesday 23 October 2007

Marilyn Manson: The Long Hard Road out of Hell Review

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It's apparent from the first chapter of the book where the young Brian Warner finds latex gloves, pornography, bestiality magazines, womens lingerie and old crusty vaseline covered dildoes in his grandfathers basement aswell as witnessing his grandfather beating off to porn that the whole concept of Marilyn Manson is going to come from a pretty fucked up place in Brian Warner's mind.

The second chapter details the young Manson's time at Christian school. He tells of the curriculum and the teachers constant lectures on the apocalypse and all that is taboo.
Warner in an an attempt to get thrown out of school sells illicit magazines and all that is taboo, it's around here that the seeds of the Marilyn Manson persona start to sprout. Taking things to extremes, a trick that will serve him well in years to come.

From this is the book goes onto become more and more demented, as he details his rise to stardom, the drug crazed debauchery, self mutilation and general insanity as he is misunderstood,.

The whole Marilyn Manson persona is about showing both sides of American culture
Its most beautiful side i.e. Marilyn Monroe Image Hosted by

and its darkest side i.e. Charles Manson in order to create the ultimate contrast. (Good can't be without bad, and vice-versa.)

He is merely rebelling against societies oppresors; Manson is shoving the absurdity of his childhood down modern societies throat.

The book also details much of the bands dark-points, such as the struggle to make Anti-christ superstar, the breakups, betrayals and Mansons self-actualisation of sorts towards the ends. There's a few quirky celeb pop-ups, and he details quite a few of his interests and influences, I liked it a lot.

Good read.


Monday 22 October 2007

What would happen if...

I'm wondering what would happen if I listened to Tony Robbins every-night for a week... okay, I'm gonna try this shit and then report my results in a week.

I'm also gonna finish this Marilyn Manson book, review it and get started on some other cool shit.
I'm frothing at the mouth.


Sunday 21 October 2007

The essence of a good diet...

For too long now, my diet has been poor. I admittedly can't resist sweets. From now on however, my diet is going to improve. Completely.

I'm going to stick with myfooddiary. Eliminate all of the shit out.

-Balance 5smaller meals a day.
-More water.
-Eat more greens.
-Eat more nuts.
-No more dairy.
-No fried foods.
-Nothing with flour or pastries. Bye bye pies and pasties.
-No complex carbs after lunch-time.
-No carbs at all after dark.

Anyway, I've found this great article. I'm going to follow this:


These I've found work very well for me and are based off a variety of sources

*Vibrating with Health Principles*

11 Gifts to Give Yourself

  1. Emotionally Free and eating to nourish - this means that you can direct your mind in such a way that you experience positive emotions most of the time in your day to day life. This means that you won't be turning to food as a state change, nor will you turn to food as often. It requires a lot of work but then you treat food as secondary source of nourishment
  2. Proper breathing - you'll die in 30 days without food, 7 days without water, and a few minutes without breath. So, which do you feel is most important. Take time throughout the day to breath properly. If you're stressed breathe properly rather than reach for food, and watch how you're craving for food will go away. Reason is because eating a lot of food puts food in your gut and makes you breath diaphramatically.
  3. Adequate Hydration - you wake up in the morning, and feel hungry. It's probably not hunger, it's usually dehydration. We all know the importance, but few people actually follow it...regularly.
  4. Go green LIVE - read the pH Miracle, but essentially most all food we eat acidic (bad) for the body. Blood is the river of life, so eating live green foods will actually get rid of a lot of acidity plus green foods have a higher energy frequency. You get two bonuses alkalinity plus energy. In the morning, have water with green powder. Then, make sure to have salads throughout the day.
  5. Oil Up - You'll experience the immediate side-effects of this too. As soon as it enters your body, you'll feel more vibrant and awake. That's because it has a host of benefits that compile to make you feel better. Choose Organic Flax Oil and/or Fish Oil.
  6. Proper meal timing and amounts - seen way too many fat vegetarians and vegans, so I know this principle is in effect big time to build a great body. 2 Things first, eat every three hours. We all know this. Second, eat to a level 7 on your own "fullness" scale. If you skip a meal, don't eat to like a level 11 to make-up. So crucial and don't believe what any health enthusiast tells you that you don't have to follow this if you're eating health.
  7. Proper digestion - When you eat proteins, your body secretes one digestive enzyme. It secretes other digestive enzymes when you digest carbohydrates. Way too often in the American diet, we like to combine carbs and protein, mean and potatoes, fish and chips, burger and fries. Thing is that this will take digestion from three hours to seven hours and literally zap your energy. To combat this, you need to take digestive enzymes every time you combine protein and carbs. If you don't have any, then you need to eat how some of the healthiest civilizations eat -- concentrated food + vegetables. For example, fish + steamed vegetables + salad OR baked potato + steamed vegetables + salad. Also fruit alone as it digests suppppppppper fast and will ferment if you eat it with other foods.
  8. Healthy Protein consumption - I tried to eat no protein and lost 20 lbs (and I wasn't fat), so I don't recommend cutting out protein out of your diet. I have also seen a lot of people who don't eat that much protein and I'm not impressed. I recommend eating protein but chose healthy proteins, organic meats and wild fish. Avoid whey protein as it is just as bad as milk.
  9. Aerobic Endurance - we all know this, and there are many different types. High intensity, low intensity. Point is that you find something you like to do and do it for your cardio. I like elliptical trainers and i can watch tv. an ideal heartrate for moderate intensity cardio is 180 - your age. For example, say your 24. Your target heartrate would be 156 as your upper limit. And the lower limit is 170-age. So 170-24 is 146. So you want to warm up down in the 110-120 for 10 minutes then for 20-40 minutes go at 146-156. And yes, it may seem slow, but it is the most effective. The Kenyans are some of the fastest runners in the world, and they spend a lot of time in the build phase (which is essentially this type of training) only shortly before a competition do they do higher intensity stuff. It surprised me too.
  10. Maximum Strength. For both sexes, especially guys, you want to have a great looking physique not only one that feels great. So, find a weight routine that works well, some like static contraction, body for life has a great program as does shawn phillips' absolution. In addition, i love anything from Tom Venuto. Find something that you like and judge your performance by your level of exertion rather than how sore you feel. I've done the whole soreness thing, and it can drive you crazy. I've also grown when i didn't feel soreness.
  11. Light Supplementation - this is last, but still important. Food-based multi-vitamins, probiotics (healthy bacteria), vitamin b, antioxidants (Vitamins A, C, and E.)

  1. emotional eating of any kind (even healthy foods) - you can overeat almonds and it can be detrimental to you health. Your digestive system is still going to have to work overload to process this food. Avoid this at all costs.
  2. acid addictions -- alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, wine, sweets. You know these are bad for you despite what antioxidants it has, that's just a push from these corporations to get you to view it as a healthy food. Like wine manufacturers have done a great job and getting people to think that a glass of wine a day is good for you, and neglect to tell you all the harm it will do on your blood stream, your kidneys, and your general health levels. If weed had antioxidant properties, would it make sense to smoke some up everyday. Use common sense. If you do it, do it maybe once a week and follow the other health principles. Don't take a day off where you "relax" and let your standards slip. Instead, do all the other things that you know are healthy.
  3. pasturized dairy - anytime i take any dairy, it gives me massive amounts of mucus and i used to have allergies. Not anymore. My allergies used to be so bad that i had to take medication for it. i don't take dairy anymore and don't have any of these problems. Anytime i have any dairy -- cheese, yogurt, anything. It acts up. Some can tolerate it, but in general i think that you should avoid it.
  4. unhealthy oils - for a while i was eating salads, but not feeling very energized. Then a health coach of mine told me to get rid of processed oil (canola, corn oil, safflower oil) any of these are terrible as they essentially run bleach through the oil so that it separates it. i found that once i stopped using salad dressings that had these in them, and used instead oils like olive for my salads or coconut for cooking. i feel wonderful. Do some research on them, and you'll find out that canola oil is actually rapeseed oil but they renamed so you'd buy more and that they want you to think that it's a healthy oil when people get sick off these oils all the time.
  5. unhealthy animal products or byproduct - you know that the beef from McDonald's is no good. Go to if you really want to find out. Move up in the world and start incorporating more organic meats and wild fish and organic eggs. If you're at a restaurant, and the menu is looking bland (don't go with the chicken as it is usually very low quality) instead get one of the fish. If you're at a good restaurant ask them if it's wild, because the more people that ask the more likely they will be to get it. More and more restaurants are increasing the quality of the products they carry, but it will only happen if demand increases as they are in business to make a profit.
  6. grains - GRAINS are fed to hogs to fatten them up. A lot of diets are now advocating that you avoid it. My concern is what it does to your system too as they generally pollute your blood stream. If you have to have brain, look for sprouted grains which are a better alternative. Even then, you'll feel better once you eliminate them. The whole carbohydrate addict came from grains, not from other carb sources like fruit, potatoes. When was the last time you saw someone saying, dude, i can't stop eating rice and/or baked potatoes. Never. It's all things like sandwiches, chips, crackers, cookies, cereal -- these are all grains. Fuck whole grains. They're just trying to make it look like a healthy alternative. I say avoid these. If you're going to have grains, have sprouted grains!

And I'm back. I'm definitely beyond a shadow of a doubt following this from now on.

Hopefully, by posting this I can really manifest this into my life... and it'll carry on well into 2008.



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Lately, I've been spending a little bit too much time with a girl. She's the one that I mentioned in my blog 'How to fuck up a sure thing' and yep, it looks like I've gone and done it again. I think for the second time with this girl I have fallen into fucking player trap number 3. Grrr.

How retarded, nevertheless, I think I'm gonna take a hiatus from this one for a few days and bang the other 18year old I don't like so much. Ugh.

This has always been my sticking point, I get too carried away with these cuties, I should follow the David D thing, only make out in a seduction location.



Saturday 20 October 2007

This weeks goal...

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This week. I'm gonna be doing 3 cardio sessions a day.

One in the morning around Backhouse park [old school cross country style]
Heavy weightsGym Session. Treadmill interval training x6.
Evening Backhouse park.

Monday/wednesday: Daniel Craig style workout. Pyramid benchpress/shoulder-presses.
Tuesday/thursday: Boxing/Plyometrics/Legs.
Friday: Daniel Craig style workout. Swimming.
Saturday: Squats, lunges, kettlebell.

I'm gonna make a concious effort to stick to my diet using
Take my spirulina, fish-oil, digestive enzymes. Creatine.
Consume plenty of protein.
Listen to a lot of metal.

This should get me in really good shape for moshing and banging hotties.

Wednesday 17 October 2007


On monday me and The Butcher hit up Newcastle.

I found a super cute Joss Stone looking Canadian... woooo

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Then we wandered around a bit, which was pretty cool

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Went in a gun shop, I think I'll buy a cool air-rifle at the end of the month maybe.

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We went to the art gallery 'The Baltic' they had a couple of pretty cool exhibitions unfortunately I couldn't take pictures of the best one.

The best one was basically just the artist trying to shock you as much as is possible. It was a big room with the walls covered in those big trippy fucking wheels which give off an optical illusion. Pictures of the victims of Gangland murder straight after they'd been shot in the head... and a statuette of Jesus with a big protruding erection. I wasn't shocked personally, or offended, but it was a nice try by the artist(s) 'The Zablucowicz collection'

So anyway, rewind.. the first exhibition in the place was what I imagine what the New York skyline would look like at night if it was made of assorted sized fridged, with small mirrors on their exteriors...

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The fourth floor is a big room, and it was designed to shock a lot like the exhibition on the third floor... The Butcher compared it with 'Dune'. Upon entry the first thing I noticed was a big sack hanging from the ceiling full of waxwork heads of politicians

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then a wall which formed a star made of billy clubs or night sticks or whatever the fuck they're called

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and a rolled over burned out car on a large plinth with broken bottles protruding from it.

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a big star-shaped thing made of wood and razor wire. Nice.

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And then the obligatory dead body and blasphemy

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and then on the top floor, there was a vintage fat man made out of mechano, I say vntage because these metal things were there the first time I ever went to The Baltic around 3years ago, maybes longer (note the pictures of hundreds of naked people in the back ground)

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On the way out... make of these what you will

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Quite a nice city Newcastle though...

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A good enjoyable day.


Tuesday 16 October 2007

Review: Women by Charles Bukowski

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This is one of the best books I've ever read. It's the story of Bukowski's literary alter-ego Hank Chinaski, who after a life-time of working menial jobs and drifting, in his fifties has became a poet, gets drunk all of the time and goes on a fuck women rampage.

Almost impossible to put down, for all of Chinaski's insecurity and self doubt he certainly draws you into his reality.

I for one could see why women would want to bang him, his honesty and raw authenticity in an age of pretty much total and utter complete bullshit are a powerful and potent weapon. Wow.

I think this is the same reason so many people love Bukowski, not just women. He's real, and you can identify with him at your core. He puts himself out there on the line. He's fucking hella funny aswell.

Generally what I find when I read a book is, if the book is shit but I learn ONE decent thing it was worth it. This book, didn't so much teach me anything, it just reaffirmed and put into words things I already know. That's why I love it.

Five stars.


Friday 12 October 2007

On art....

My knowledge of art compared to a lot of people is very poor. I quite like Vermeer, but that's pretty much as far as my knowledge on classical art goes.

I do however like modern art well some of it, personally I thought the time I went to the Turner Modern it was awful. The only part I liked was the big slides that intertwined into a helix.

As far as Modern Art goes, I couldn't describe it, I generally don't understand it, but aslong as I find it aesthetically pleasing, that's good enough for me.

I for one find Banksy uber-cool, and one day shall finally get around to buying his book, which I first saw about seven months ago, when I was in London,

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In my university days, I liked going to the Baltic in Newcastle, the best exhibition I saw there was the Kienholz one, which was so weird and wonderful, poignant and disturbing, it still sticks with me to this very day...

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I might have a look in this week if I have time, this for example looks pretty nifty.

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So hopefully there'll be a few good things and good times in Newcastle. Wooo


Because lately....

Lately, I'm just really fascinated with weird stuff. Like the weirder the better. I'm interested in very nearly everything. I can't really put this into words. It just is what it is.

I'm becoming more demented by the day. It's great.

There's a total freedom in just not giving a fuck what people think of you at all.

I'm in the house all alone, I like being alone, I live better and I'm happier. I do what I want; no-one tries to put boundaries on me, and I totally live my life my own way. Everything is perfect. I become more creative, more intelligent, stay in better shape... it's good. I considered getting a real job, I think if this comes about, I'll move out into some kind of apartment and live a life like a modern Bukowski.

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I could become even more demented and have the best diet. Wake up every morning and take fish-oil and spirulina, go to a job I loathe... then go out on nights and pick up girls and take them back to my casa and *BOSH*, and when I kick them out of my house I can read all of the absurd books and great literature I've always wanted to; download music off of the internet illegally. And then imagine I am various rock-stars. Sleep and then repeat the cycle.

Or something like that.

Another person I've started liking lately is Hunter S. Thompson...

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I believe it was him who put it ''if something gets your blood racing, it's probably worth doing.''

Truer words, never spoken.



Tuesday 9 October 2007


There's not really any point to this: I like these things, and I like the videos too!

People I like today:
Marilyn Manson
Bill Hicks
Kurt Cobain
James Dean
Mickey Rourke
Nikki Sixx
Jesse Jane
Bruce Lee
Antonio Inoki
My Chemical Romance...
Tori Amos

Things I like today:
Dark gothic imagery
Anything anti-establishment
Cross trainers
Bike riding
Kendo sticks
Sword fighting
Old skool FMW


Sunday 7 October 2007

This week and introducing the 28day mission...

This week, I'm gonna hit the gym fucking hard.

Monday and Wednesday: Daniel Craig workout, plus 1hour treadmill.
Tuesday and Thursday: Legs and Boxing training, plus 1hour treadmill.
Friday: Daniel Craig workout plus, bench pressing 90kg, plus 90minutes treadmill.
Saturday: Rest.
Sunday: Active rest.

So by the end of the week, I will have done:
25+ miles of bikeriding.
25+ miles of running.
150 pull ups.
Bench pressed well over my own body weight.

I'm also beginning a 28day search/rampage for a new gf.

Dying, of obesity, twenty years from now, is not an option.

If it were the case, would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that, for one chance - just one chance! - to be able to tell all of your enemies that they may stifle your creativity; they may squander your talents in call centres and temping agencies; they may even shout and/or laugh, in the streets, at your 'unconventional' haircuts, but they'll never take your FREEDOM!

It's time to shove absurdity right back down existences throat, take control of life, and be everything you've ever dreamed of and more.

Fuck the status quo, the time is fucking now.

This world has done little for me, so it's time to create an absurd and ironic personal universe where people conform to my set of ideals and rules... where money is mine, ripped abs are glory, heavy metal music, jaegermeister, goldshlager, creatine, steroids, magical girls, Marilyn Manson, weird hair, satanism is LOVED. Bill Hicks, Poetry is appreciated, James Joyce is regarded for what he is. And twisting people to your will at any cost.

Joycean absurdity meets metal.

Yours in unlimited glory.


Friday 5 October 2007

FUR: How to ruin a sure thing...

Sooo I went out last night for a girl I knows birthday, I was drinking vodka all night. We finally meet the girls about 12, my friend leaves at like 12:30 so I'm stuck with one of the girls; as my friend leaves me. Me and her bounce to the club.

I am just been totally cool as fuck, think Daniel Craig in Casino Royale it hurts. In the club I up the kino, she's already held my hand, and I do the hair-stroking thang as she talks about her boyfriend. We make out. I stop her and tell her I don't want to be a tacky club makeout guy [credit jlaix] we bounce from the club to another club, she talks about her bf as we're holding hands.

I think I fuck up when we get back by making out with her a couple too many times... we get a taxi together, I tell her to come in and watch a movie, we get in and I don't think movie is even mentioned, I make out with her and get hardcore LMR. I try to push past it halfheartedly, but by this point I really couldn't care less.

I throw her out of my house at 7am and get a ton of shit off my mother for bringing girls back.




I had no idea I drank so much last night.

I went to the gym today and pushed through bench-pressed 80kg which I'm quite pleased with considering I'm now under 70kg. Did 30mins on the stationary bike and 20 on the treadmill even though I was totally fucked.

Ihad a delightful bike-ride aswell, nothing happened, but the scenery was nice.

Came home, watched Alfie, and then beat off to some shitty 18year old porn in a lame attempt to generate endorphins.

I might watch a horror film as I'm totally in the mood right now for blood gore and violence... I wish I had Cannibal Verox or Cannibal Holocaust or some shit like that right about now. One of those that has been ''banned'' for like 30+ years because it's too sick and violent and gruesome for public consumption.

Hmm or I could watch the League of Gentleman... Papa Lazarou magical peg salesman of glory deluxe

Or maybes Commando or something. Just anything with gruesome over-the-top violence.

It must be the UFC endorsed XYience stuff.

I'm messaging some girl on myspace... I've decided I'm going to be a 100% totally brutally honest with this one. Like Gandhi.

Might still go out tonight... I predict lays.


What happened last night?

I went out with the intention of getting *very* drunk, went to Independant which after four years I am now unbarred from woooo.

Bounced to Diva, I talk to some girls utilising 'My little pony, dental floss and claw' and then lead the girl across the club hand in hand... compliance test, to see how much attraction I've got. Somehow I don't pull.

I also find out that the love of my life Lotte, now has a girlfriend. I always thought she was a bisexual, as all girls are. But shit.

Later I am drunk and see a fat girl from work, and for some reason that is totally beyond I get off with her wtf? Andy comes back, make a sharp dash across the club... she actively fucking seeks me out. Not good at all. I actually get scared here. I bounce. Get home for two. Ugh. No lays or anything like that, but I'm kinda happy I'm actually 'approaching' again.

My game is tight.

Gonna go the gym today, at some point and do a shit load of weights and cardio deluxe.


Wednesday 3 October 2007

Quote of the day 4/10/2007

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''Don't get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water. Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it into a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.'' -Bruce Lee

So if you're training to fight someone who is eight plus stone heavier than you what do you do? You flow, fast, powerful, shapeless, easily adaptable and you overcome and destroy.


I'm just reading through some of Bruce Lee's other quotes right now. The guy was truly amazing. A real inspiration.



In ''Think and Grow Rich'' Napoleon Hill talks about the mastermind group, having a group of people or a group of resources which will assist you in achieving your goals.

I was just looking at a post on four-hour- work-week:

Envision the 5 books that have most impacted your life. How would your life be different if you’d never read them?

Where might you be today if you’d never met the most influential teachers in your life, past and present?

How would your options be affected if you could never again read a book, menu, or sign?

Personally, I'd say that the 5most influential books I've ever read would be in no particular order:

1) A Drink with Shane Macgowan... I took so much from this book, Shane Macgowan is a VERY intelligent guy, this book pointed me in the direction of some very interesting and cool stuff which has both stimulated my mind and kept me entertained A LOT.

Through this book I discovered amongst other things: James Joyce, Carl Jung, Resevoir Dogs, Mandalas, Venus in furs which in turn led me to discovering the magical Velvet Underground and their influential 'leader' Andy Warhol, and a lot more for sure. Hmm I might read it again. If I hadn't read this, I would almost certainly be stuck in some form of chode hell, and my first love probably wouldn't have considered me to be as interesting.

2) The Game by Neil Strauss... it seems for some reason, almost cliché to have this in the list; actually I'd already read David Deangelo for about 7months or whatever before I bought this... but strangely the influences I attained from this, almost certainly saved me from being a total needy desperate loser forever.... it came at a time, actually, that's a whole other story; I'll be sure to post about it one time. Nevertheless, it's had a MASSIVE influence on my life.

3) A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle... I only read this about 3 or 4 weeks ago, but the information contained within, for me was paradigm shifting. This has totally altered my world-view. WOW. To think of what ''I'' used to be like. WOW.

4) Frogs Into Princes by Grinder and Bandler... I didn't even finish this, I will though. This book totally shifted how I view my interactions with people, and how I communicated.

5) The Dirt by Motley Crue + Crazy from the Heat by David Lee Roth... reaffirmed my beliefs in what is possible. I also pulled a cute lesbian in about 15seconds after reading Diamond D's book, but... yet again, that's another story.

Basically, without these books, and without certain influences, a lot of which I actually discovered through these books, to put it bluntly: I would be a massive seething chode.

I would still be a an absolute needy, desperate, fat, unintelligent, impoverished loser without any semblance of hope.

This for me totally reaffirms the importance of reading books, and great literature for me.

Without powerful influences in my life, to point me in the right direction... I might have got where I am now; but it probably would have taken at-least ten years. The influences I've had in my life, one or two in particular by following their lead I have totally changed my life.

If I could never, read a book, menu or sign again... who knows where I'd end up. It could be an interesting journey. I have total belief that I'd come out the otherside okay though, and that belief is invaluable, I don't think I could have gotten that without my influences; and that fire of desire that comes with wanting to succeed.


Tuesday 2 October 2007

OMG I'm a health freak....

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Tonight I bought a 5kg tub of whey protein.

A body fat monitor.

Digestive enzymes from Xyience who are highly recommended in the UFC community.

And I've just spent the last 30minutes looking at the health benefits of Spirulina, Probiotics and milk thistle.

Now... I'm sitting looking forward very much to riding my bike 3miles to the gym and having an awesome workout in the morning. Where I intend to do 200 or so stomach crunches, 215 press-ups, bench-pressing more than my own body-weight, 1hour on the treadmill and then boxing; and then ride back home 3miles again.

This may or may not come from years of being an out of shape fat fuck, and realising the many advantages of health or it may be an another example of increasing obsessive compulsive disorder.


How to *really* get laid...

Forget everything you know.

READ DYD by David Deangelo, also sign up for his FREE newsletter whilst you're at it. FULL of quality advice and shit.

READ the Venusian Arts handbook by Mystery. This guys game is tight.

Read the entire

Join a gym, work out at least two hours a day, get REALLY fit. Do a ton of cardio and lift heavy weights so you get ripped abs in preparation for banging huneez.
-Simply put, the better shape you're in and the better you're health the MORE attractive you become without even having to say a fucking word.

-People automatically assume that if you're in good shape/looking that you're....

So get in the BEST shape of your life!!

Get a cool haircut... go to Toni + Guy and tell the stylist to make your hair sexy.

Remember an ounce of image is worth a pound of performance!!


Dress well


Be so comfortable in your own skin it hurts.

Have a good time.

Don't be needy.

Have purpose.

Lead her emotions.

Don't brag.


Be PERSISTENT. [That doesn't mean be a creepy stalker btw, there's a limit.]

Be Non-judgemental.

Escalate touching.

Don't fall into the player traps which are....
1. Failing to justify attraction for reasons that go beyond looks.
2. Failure to appreciate the importance of 'mid-game' before 'end game'
3. A failure to stop yourself [and the woman] from going too far to soon.

Taking things slow is an art-form, be chilled out. Duh.

Approach as many girls as possible...

Getting laid or getting a girlfriend isn't hard.

Remember to get a girlfriend all you have to do is be
1. Cool
2. Don't say anything stupid.

Because after-all... the first rule of 'game' is be cooler than the girl.


Monday 1 October 2007


I haven't posted on here in about a fortnight, and frankly I've been getting totally fucking lazy and falling into old habits.

Luckily I had a stroke of inspiration today which shall keep me motivated for the forseeable future

''I don't go to the gym to get a good body, I go to the gym to bang better.''

A great reason to go to the gym indeed, I shall be spending 45minutes at least on the treadmill per day, and lifting heavy weights so I have the stamina be able to throw hotties around the bedroom.

I also want to be in good enough to fight really fucking well... so no chodes take my girls.

Work, work, work.
