Woah dude. Tiring day. I finished a tiring ten hour shift in-which I developed a crush on a chubby photographer girl, which I haven't yet been able to relinquish. Went out afterwork. My vow of no drinking lasted around twenty minutes in the White Room. It was good to hang out with my friends Dudley and Johnson again. Although I was completely word weary all night. I can't recall any specific dialogue. Again.

We went to another couple of bars in which I proceeded to get fucking loaded. I got up late this morning. One and a half hours late for work. Great. I made up some absolute bullshit story about my house/apartment being broken into and run with it. I don't even have a fucking apartment. I actually felt quite bad about how much I had the hot girl hooked through my incessant pathological lying. Shades of being a sixteen year old again. I know from experience, that that shit isn't good for your soul. It ruins your core. Plus, it's way too much effort, and you look like a fool when you inevitably get caught out. It fucking terrifies me. That now I could so easily get a girl by lying. I don't want to. To me at this moment. It seems completely immoral and unethical. It'd be like shining a torch at a rabbit and launching a fucking proton torpedo at it. Sick. No more lies.
I'll just nonchalantly gloss over everything I've previously said in future.
I've just ordered a recumbent bike for my bedroom.
Times of happy real love shall soon be here. I'm going to 'read myself to sleep now'. I'm working six o clock in the morning. New years eve.
Ta ta
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