I'm in work in less than five hours. I can't sleep. Too lazy to read tonight. So I thought fuck it. I'm gonna get some food. I've just been perusing one of the seduction sites and came across an old post on what is the best method of pick-up technique. Here's my opinions from my own personal experiences on the major schools of thought within the seduction community.
1. RSD 2007: This from my perspective is the best system of pick-up. The interesting thing being that it isn't really a system per se. It basically comprises the best parts of DYD, Juggler method, Gunwitch method and minimal Mystery Method techniques.
The main emphasis is on being forward, dominant, assertive, honest, authentic, unreactive, sexual and comfortable in the present moment. The majority of there principles are very solid. I've gained a lot of useful information from RSD on not only pick-up where their leader Tylers says that self-improvement and pick-up should be mutually symbiotic.
On getting a girlfriend: live your life, enjoy womens company, assume absolutley nothing.
Or to put it more succinctly as Jeffy says: be cool and don't say anything stupid.
Living a more fulfilling life: offer value.
Like I said, I've learned a lot from RSD. This stuff does get you laid. Just beware of turning into a frat boy.
2. David DeAngelo DYD: Narrowly missing out top spot. David DeAngelos brilliant newsletters completely changed the course of my life and set me on a path to transformation from being a loser to pulling the hottest girl of my life. And I was still a fatty too!
When used correctly, DeAngelos 'methods' are lethally effective. You become irresistably attractive to women, you're a 'real man.' And that's the beauty of DYD. It's punchline is basically as long as you're not a fucking pussy and you're challenging. You will attract hot girls. And you do. I haven't glossed over DYD for a while. I think I might have a browse sometime in 2008. A lot of it is absolute bonafide gold. Figuratively speaking of course. The DeAngelo way of competant flirting says all the right things about you in a very short space of time.
Just beware you don't become either overly arrogant, or some overly entertaining clown. Or worse still some emalgamation of both. It happens.
3. Juggler: Juggler teaches a system of natural approach. He prides himself on being completely himself in interactions with people. He is a wonderful and at times brilliant conversationalist and is immensely talented. He is also someone I would actually want to be friends with. Which is a lot more than can be said for 99.9% of the so called seduction community.
With Juggler it's natural wit, putting yourself on the line fully, his technique for gaining instant rapport with people was probably for me, the best thing in the game. You simply talk as if you've known the person for years. You make statements as you do with your friends. He also places emphasis on leading. You don't ask questions. You constantly escalate and you do a lot of touching. And you tell the girl you think she's sexy. It's pretty much simple as that. It also works very very well. There isn't actually a dark side to Juggler method which I can think of.
4. Gunwitch Method: Similar to Juggler. This redneck renegade pick-up artist puts a lot of emphasis on the basic fundamentals. He also emphasises the importance of being very sexual and forward. As the old adage goes ''If you can get a woman to talk about sex, 9/10 times you'll end up sleeping with her.'' Mystery Method starlets Sinn and Captain Jack are fanatical about this kind of thing. And I can also vouch for it's effectiveness. You honestly stand more chance of getting laid, if you actually state your intent. There is no dark side to this as long as you're socially calibrated and aren't going upto women 'grab-ass' style at highly innapropriate times and being a total sex pest. That can be annoying. Generally, it's okay though.
Perhaps the most important message behind GWM is this, and I should have it tatooed on my head so I never forget. ''WOMEN LOVE SEX AS MUCH, IF NOT MORE THAN MEN.''
It's slipped my mind who uttered the following quote so I can give the appropriate credit ''Women really have nothing against you trying to fuck them. Although sometimes it may seem that way.'' Word.
5. Mystery Method: I know that Mystery Method principles are sound. Although the actual tactics and ''canned stories'' have never worked for me. I think Mystery's most important contribution has been to actually accurately assess and document all of the stages leading upto a sexual relationship . Knowing the ''mating dance'' can help you much more than all of the lines and routines can. If it wasn't for this. I wouldn't have even included Mystery Method.
From my own experience the negs, lines and story routines someone else has made up, just make you come across as a creepy, socially awkward weirdo.
Ultimately. Whilst these 'systems' offer a basis of thought. Nothing can overcompensate for truly developing yourself and becoming attractive through actually going out and talking to girls and learning what really works for me you, The same can be said for much every area of life.
Okay that's all I can be bothered to write this evening. I really have to get some shut eye.
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