Saturday, 15 December 2007

Being more creative...

I like creative people, and creativity is an attribute that I admire greatly. In fact it's a quality I would like to have for myself in great abundance.

I've always been a bit of a daydreamer and like to go inside of my head pretty often. One of my favourite books is 'The Hitchhikhers guide to the galaxy' by Douglas Adams. It's a fantastic and highly creative work. I love how language can be used to make clever and creative new worlds. Universes even.

That's all creativity really is I suppose. Taking language and making clever connections with it. Magical pictures in your head.

I think I will start reading more 'good' science fiction stuff, along with everything else under the sun.

I'm going to start carrying a notepad around aswell, in order to document interesting connections I make.

I'm also going to start doodling more and writing poetry again. I believe this could help very much.


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