Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Christmas Day

I got DVDS, books, a weight set and the Help! DVD box set. I like that film. Always did. It was a favourite when I had a Beatles obsession when I was 8,9,10. I watch half of it and decide to go lye down in my bed on my new sheets. Attention has never been a strong point. No matter how much I love something; even if it's one of my favourite all-time movies by my favourite all-time band and it's funny and quirky and cute with great music.

I go to bed and read 3 chapters of Hollywood by Bukowski. This is turning out great. I love The Beatles, I love Bukowski. The 3 chapters make me smile. I am very happy indeed.

I fall asleep with Bukowski's Hollywood in my hand.

I wake up and read somemore. I can't be bothered to eat anything. I wrap myself up in my nice new duvet. The sky outside is very beautiful and serene for a christmas day. Fuck 'white christmas'' for all that would be nice. And I love traditional and nice things. This is ethereal. I smile happily.

I am going to rest more. Then when I can be bothered to eat, I will eat a big glorious christmas dinner. And then watch the ebullient Doctor Who christmas special. I have always loved that programme too.

Then maybes I shall watch the DVD about the Greeks with the ripped abs defending their honour as they are killed by the Persians to the death.

It is a truly beautiful day indeed. And I love it very much.

This is the most fervour and enthusiasm I have had in a long time. Christmas splendour deluxe. Lovely and glorious times of happiness and warm friendlieness and niceness.

As it should be. *smiles*


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