This is possibly the most important post I've ever written.
So it’s been at times a turbulent and tumultuous year. At times it’s been very droll. Wasted. For all it has lacked in balls to wall excitement, and incident. It has overcompensated for in subtle life changing moments. 2007 was the year my paradigm shifted and everything for me really started to click in place. I didn’t have a plan per se going into 2007. Maybes that’s the best way. Nonetheless. It’s not always particularly wise to live your life in such a way. So for 2008 I have constructed a few missions. Resolutions is pastiche. To keep me on track to a good life. This time last year I was a self-loathing misanthropic idiot. Now I am a lean, self loving person who is more aware than ever before. Total transformation. So on that note. The following are my ‘missions’ for 2008 to keep on track to a good life. One of self-fulfilment and happiness rather than just contentment. Which many people mistake for happiness.
By writing these down. They will be easier to stick to. Here they are:
I’m going to go to the gym a minimum of six days a week when healthy and I’m going attain the highest level of fitness and strength of my life. Get a six pack and boost my biceps up to 16 inches.
Also as part of this I’m going to maintain a good healthy diet with minimal saturated fats and lipids. Drink plenty of water as averse to diluted juices. I’m also going to stick to health food supplements such as spirulina, digestive enzymes, probiotics, milk thistle et al. And rejoin
As I’ve mentioned before on the blog. I’m a pretty kinaesthetic guy. So to me, this is more about feeling good about myself and being able to perform better in bed than actually looking good to others. As the saying goes. Your body is your temple. I want my body to be an outward projection of how I feel inside. My inner ‘glory’. The soul. Then I will keep it. To me. This will all be worth it.
I’m going to travel around the world . I want to go to Barcelona. I like the look of Barcelona. Visit another continent.
I’ve travelled very little in my life. I’ve seen most of this country; from going to football matches with my dad when I was younger.
My whole ‘international experience’ however consists of two short stays in Benidorm Spain between 13 and 15. Multiple day trips to Amsterdam. And going on a few day trips to Scotland. This is probably unfathomable to most people. In our modern age of globalisation. Where it’s less expensive to get a flight to another country than it is to get a bus a quarter of a mile in to town. Mind you, as I’m typing this. I’m thinking. I’d never even tried a courgette until this year. To say I’m inexperienced or naïve on a lot of things would be an enormous understatement. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do as far as world travelling and vegetables go.
Improve my writing skills.
I’m going to become more creative. Take more photographs. Draw more pictures. Like Kurt Cobain. Become more intelligent. Improve my vocabulary.
I’m going to learn about art.
Writing, language, literature and creativity are my ‘obsessions’ I feel I must nurture them and help them grow.
In all seriousness. This is my new hobby. I want to run with this, and see how it goes.
I’m going to read a minimum of one book a week. Keeping your mind sharp and healthy is obviously important. We live in a highly competitive world. We’re being attacked on all sides by all kinds of media sources. Audio. Visual. And with so many challenges in the modern day rat race. Keeping your mind healthy is your only hope. It is your most important asset in the world.
When I was younger I was academically stupid. I was also socially stupid. I couldn’t see the twigs for the Amazon rainforest. This gave me the problem of wasting almost 20 years of my life. Before I actually started getting a clue about life. From all kinds of sources and unusual ‘role models’ and experiences. I’m still a very naïve kid now. But one who has a lot of making up to do for all of those lost years. Driven indeed.
I’m nowhere near where I want to be. I want to make up for all of those years of staring at a television and being the fat child with no friends. I want to become the reverse of that. I think it’s a tad ironic. I’m becoming a healthy, intelligent, socially astute guy now. In my twenties where most of the people who would have bullied me at school and ‘lorded’ it over me are going on the opposite direction. Now they’re the ones who are fat and dull and eat fried foods in front of the idiot box. It’s a very absurd world.
Next on my ‘agenda’:
I’m going to wean myself off the so called ‘seduction community’ . As the majority of them are just skeevy losers who offer nothing of value to me anymore. With the exception of perhaps Real Social Dynamics and Juggler and a select few others. I feel I have learned all I need to know, and that is that essentially all you require is:
Non neediness.
To be unreactive to superficial standards
Confident and especially comfortable in your own skin.
To put your real personality on the line.
Be honest and open.
‘Kino.’ [Touch the girl]
Tell the girl you like her.
Be sexual.
Go to the gym, keep fit and healthy and well. [The gym makes the heroes]
Have a cool haircut.
Offer value.
Be interesting.
And overall be cooler than the girl.
Stop drinking. Being a drunken maniac is becoming too intertwined with my social identity. It is also expensive and makes you fat. It takes more guts to quit. Bukowski said that.
Read more poetry. The classics. Self improvement books such as Eckhart Tolle ‘The Power of Now’. Stuff like that. Tony Robbins. I’m also going to check out Joseph Faust and James Ray, and delve into Bandler again.
I’m going to indulge in everything that I enjoy. I don’t believe there’s any reason to cater to other peoples whims and fancies and likes. After all the way of the ‘sexworthy man’ is to just entertain himself.
Come out of my comfort zone, and put myself on the line more around people.
Write a novel.
Have the best year of my life.
Get out of debt. I’m growing increasingly frustrated at not having enough money. This is something I always seem to push to the back of my priorities. But it’s amongst the most fundamentally important things in life. It has to take a major priority and more focus next year.
Spend less time on social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. They’re a waste of time literally and figuratively.
Get my first real girlfriend at some point. It’s fucking time.
This blog. I love it. But it’s too droll. Not enough ever happens on here.
I want action. I want adventure. I want tears. I want excitement. Interesting shit. Beautiful photographs of distant and exotic shores. Photographs of anything. I want art. Weird and wonderful dialogue from strangers. Not just the latest bitching Adrian Moleesque recap of a hangover or how much ‘I love six packs. I want more poetry. Better use of media. Taking advantage of the incredible potential to make this blog something special.
This blog is getting a huge revamp next year. More interesting. Less capitulating and posting mundane content.
The blog stays. The content improves 200%. I’m know it isn’t exactly quantifiable. But anything less than MASSIVE improvement would disgust me. It’s my recently enforced personal standards.
Here’s to the new year. Here’s to action, adventure and excitement in far off distant lands and strange places. Full recaps and reviews of books and movies. Here’s to all of the girls and the monster pimping to come. Here’s to hedonism. Exotic beauty and all of that kind of crap. Funny moments. Sobriety. Vanity. Good diets. Fitness. Love. Self-discipline. The amazing things that are just out of sight. The bigger picture. 2008.
Next year on this very date. I am going to man the fuck up and see how I did. That’s 28 missions for the year. I like how mission sounds. Far better than ‘goals’ or ‘resolutions.’
Better gets to be being productive then.
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