I got into work five minutes late, I go to my checkout we start shooting the breeze. Nimbus in full effect. I talk openly and confidently. I know I can have this girl. I am projecting my fucking full soul.
It is like there is a ray of glorious light projecting out from the core of my being and everyone is drawn in.
Lunchtime comes, I see the other girl who I've been 'crushing on', I make eye contact with her. I start a conversation. The soul is an unstoppable energy forcing generated from the core of my being. I see her attraction, it is obvious.
This is a kind of confidence I never used to have. I used to be good at faking confidence. This is the real thing.
I don't need to lie. I don't need to be anything or anyone I'm not. I don't need to entertain anyone. I don't need any swirly whirly pick-up routines. Shit, I don't need anything.
Whilst I was reading Will Self's Junk Mail (which I finally finished) during the final chapter, which is a conversation with the novellist Martin Amis. Amis makes a statement which rings very true with me; as a guy who used to pretend to be people I wasn't and say things I stole off other people in the hope of being accepted and liked.
This statement actually hit me on a very profound level:
''The basis of all plagiarism is to feel the security of another writers presence in your work, because everybody knows 'they're good'. So if I can get a bit of them in my work it will give it a bit of strength. But of course it isn't, it's a bit of weakness. But now it's much more a feeling that when I address a particular scene or description, I think not so much 'how would they do it? as just thinking that they've done it, and it can be done and it can be made new. So it's just a feeling of friendly presence.''
This pretty much summises my whole attitude to 'pick-up' as of late.
So anyway, I've got the girls who I've been 'crushing on's' phone number, and the nine has a boyfriend. But nonetheless it is only a matter of time before she's mine.
Overly self-confident? I don't think so. The proof is in the pudding. My 'game' is getting tighter and tighter and will only become more amazing as time progresses on.
I mean how can these girls possibly resist? Boyfriends or no boyfriends. That doesnt mean shit, when these hotties come across guys like me, who project their souls, and draw the girls into a magical fun filled world of absolute glory and desire from beyond time.
Nevermind what will be happening next year, in the 2008. The year of ripped abs, 18 inch biceps, sexual abundance and triumphant victory.
This shit is possible NOW.
It's when you have days like these. You talk to the hotties, and you can just interact with them on a real genuine level and feeling that you can have them, at the core of your being .It makes being verbally fist fucked countless times all seem so worth it.
Life is beautiful now. It will only get better. How could it possibly not.
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