Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Christmas day part two

It was almost the perfect day. Everything about today was magical and beautiful. As it should be. I was happy. Enthusiastic. Excited. It was like being a small child again. My belief in love has actually been reinvigorated. This is what christmas day is all about right?

12:01 last night I was sitting there, opening my presents that my beloved parents got me. Casino Royale plays in the background on Sky Premiere. The most inspiring film I've seen in 2years.

I'm unwrapping my gifts. Help DELUXE dvd boxset. I put this on. And it's brilliant. (!) I'm gonna grow my hair out like A Beatle.

I peruse the Bukowski book 'Pulp'. I start reading 'Hollywood' this shit is GRANDIOSE. I read about 30 pages and go to sleep. Wake up, 7 or 8 hours later. Read a little bit more to rouse myself.

Go down stairs, see my youngest brother. He's playing with his wrestlers and it's fun times. Just like when I was small. My mother gives me another present she said she'd forgotten about. It's a fucking super awesome CAMERA. Woooooo.

So a little while after we're sitting watching '300' ultra-violent ripped abs fest. This is also hilarious and extremely entertaining. Pure glory. My favourite quote is when the black guy messenger asks King Leonidas to paraphrase: ''What gives this woman the right to speak up against men?'' to which Leonidas' wife replies ''because only Spartan women give birth to real men.'' Then Leonidas kicks the messenger down a pit. Fantastic. Sad ending. But still very fantastic.

After this, we go to my grandmothers, I'm hungry and it's time to eat yo. I gorge myself with turkey and pork and plenty of potatoes. Gets my new weights bench. We set that up in my garage. I now have a miniaturised gym in there. Heater and everything.

I start watching Borat around five o clockish on dvd. I haven't seen this movie before. But this shit is fucking hilarious. This guy [Sacha Baron Cohen] is immense. It's amazing how he keeps up his composure as he goes around mocking the fucking Americans. Sheer brilliance.

Watch Doctor Who, slight dissapointment, but not much. Massive improvement on last years.

I watch the end of Borat. I cannot emphasise how much I enjoyed this. Belly laughs. Wonderful.

I read somemore. I have well and truly gorged myself on chocolates by this point. I start watching 'The Bourne Identity' Matt Damon completes my magical christmas day. He is very charismatic and cool and composed. The action is fast paced and actually doesn't require a lot of thinking. I like the fight scenes and as he races around the streets of Europe in a Mini. The Italian Job meets Bullitt meets James Bond on cocaine. Or at least a healthy dose of amphetamine.

Brilliant christmas day. I rekindled my belief in love. Faith in God. And am very appreciative and thanksgiving for my life. And how good I have got it. My life is truly beautiful.

Thankyou my lovely fucking family. You truly are great for all of the arguing and bullshit. I love all of you beautiful people very very much.

I am filled with much emotion and sentimentality. I love times like these. They make everything so very worthwhile. I don't want to ramble anymore and ruin this piece, because I truly cannot express the way I felt today sufficiently. But the song 'More than words' comes to my mind.

Hopefully I will never forget in my life the serene blue sky as I woke up this morning, and looked out of the window. And the beauty of the sky with the tinge of red as I walked to my nana's.

Ethereal and serenity. So beautiful, wonderful, glorious, happy.

Happy festive times of love, happiness, peace, and very much joy. *smiles*


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