I've been thinking about where I am now, compared to where I want to be 5/10years down the line. Obviously in the past 6months alone, I've made so much improvement on what I was like 2 years ago.
Back in the day, I was a real contender for biggest chode in the world. I was horrifically LJBF'd and couldn't get a girlfriend or get laid at all.
To be honest that kind of stuff now, is really a none issue to me at all, as I know at the core of my being, I can get that kind of stuff at a snap if I really want it.
I think at the moment, I'm a generally well-rounded person. Not perfect, but there's a growing consistency in me. I'm mainly focussed on being the best I can possibly be, and making MASSIVE gains to all-round total TRANSFORMATION. I see my life down the line being off the frigging chains.
I can't even relate now to what I was like in 2005. It's all about the positivity and core self esteem.
I was thinking, if I keep up this kind of level of consistent improvement, how tight is my life going to be in 5/10 years?
Mainly, my main focuses for 2008 are getting the 8pack, super ripped abs like John Morrison, which I will achieve by hardcore cardio sessions pretty much daily, and hardcore weight training. Testosterone levels through the roof. It's gonna be fun.
My health in the 08 is gonna be fucking amazing. Best ever. Holland and Barrets, perfect diet deluxe. Word.
Improving my writing skills. My writing compared to many people is pretty poor, my vocabulary isn't brilliant, my syntax and the way my writing flows can be lame, but it's something I'm absolutley determined to work on. It may take another ten years to get to the level I want to be at. Again, it will come with consistent practise.
At some point next year, I'm gonna look at having a serious-relationship, I considered it recently, but I want someone amazing, and gloriously attractive. So I'm gonna have to LORD UP.
I want to launch my intelligence through the roof, in ten years I want to be considered by people to be a fucking genius, and I want to be at least more intelligent than a girl I used to know who now studies at Oxford.
08 I will FINALLY sort out my whole financial situation once and for all. Wealth will be in abundance.
The whole key here is consistent gradual improvement. Consistency over perfection.
Keep chipping away, and you'll comfortably get to where you want to be.
And voila! One morning, you'll wake up in a grande four poster bed with ripped abs, an amazingly rich and varied vocabulary and a beautiful girl.
What more can you ask for?
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