Lottetotte was a girl I used to know and love. I haven't seen her in months now. Tragic.
I dreamed last week I tried to pick her up with the retard line on the street, but she rejected me because she was a lesbian and I was scum.
I dreamed that.
It was on the night I wasn't feeling very well. Very vivid.
I oft dream about picking up girls, but this one was most perculiar, it was near the lambton worm, but the street was different, and I opened with ''Im a lazy retard..... will you be my friend'' and all was well.
She was liking me again.
And then something went wrong, and then she became a lesbian, but like a proper one, not like a bisexual one like the Lorraine Laverne look alike who works at the club.
And then she said she had a girlfriend and something happened after that, but I can't remember. Then I woke up.
I think in my dream I was quite upset, and completely losing my frame of sheer unreactiveness, I think maybe I was left shell shocked, speechless.
Then I remember waking up and listening to Africa by Toto.
doo doo doo doo doodoo do doooooooooooo boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop
and then it was okay after that, because I like that song, and after all it was just a dream.
Well this wouldnt happen IRL because the 'lazy retard' gambit is amazing, and she's not a real lesbian.
The thing with Lotte...
I always thought she was really really interesting for some reason.
It's not like she really does anything, but I did used to really enjoy her perspective on things. She was quite open about most things, and you got a sense of raw honesty and authenticity. It was nice, and through that I always was kinda able to identify with her.
One time she was talking about a canal or somthing of that nature, and I was very fascinated by it all... not because the canal or whatever it was was very interesting
probably not the most interesting canal or whatever in the world; but I remember her being very enthusiastic about talking about it, and I liked that.
I never did hear what happened in the end with that canal or whatever it was :(
If you're reading this, you're probably wondering what the fuck I'm talking about!
Pffftt that was a very fond memory I have of her.
Yes, actually, I believe it was a year ago yesterday, we actually met in person. How curious.
We went for drinks at some absurd time, and I kissed her outside the taxi tee hee.
We were talking before that, but it was a year ago we actually met in person.
I was very cocky back in those times of yore.
Cocky and pretty fucking funny, even if I do say so myself, she really had no chance of resisting my magical charm. Even if I was a total fat fuck, I was a fat fuck who was very comfortable in his own skin
I just remember the second time I saw Lotte was the thursday after we went out on the saturday night/sunday morning and I went back to her house.
It was great.
I didn't have sex with her (boooooo), we just made out for a bit, and lay in the same bed, where I woke up to find her creepy friend Darren lurching over me.
Still, glory times. Not really the Darren bit. That was pretty creepy. Mind you, I'd say at a push, it adds to the anecdote. I made a few key mistakes with this girl, that I've since learned from. But really, they're a complete other story.
I'm not really a soppy person, but I think I'll always have a special place in my heart... my first ever none social circle pull

LOL if she ever came across this blog, by some strange coincidence. which I doubt she'd probably even care enough to read. She'd undoubtedly probably think I'm a fucking weirdo, but hey. Here's you lookin' at you kid.
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