I went to get my mobile phone back off The Butcher, he says he hasn't read anything on it, so if in future he is to use anything questionable from it against me, I have the moral highground anyway. Woooo
On the ride back, the weather was delightful, I like the way the sky looks at this time of year, slightly gloomy with a little bit of blue protruding through; and the way the cold touches your skin. Just magical.
I was also thinking about 'game', I don't like to use the term these days, as it implies you're doing something to the girl.
I'm starting to believe that real 'game' is invisible, it is pretty much internal, and most of it really requires very little verbalisation.
You are drawing them in with your nimbulons, yes, I love RSD, in a manner not too dissimilar from that of the force
Verbally, last year, I was probably far better. I had a wonderful array of clever lines. Some of them, I would go as far as to say were genius. I may even post some of the best ones at some point. I had some limited success.
Why didn't all of these lines give me ultimate success?
Because, they're not nearly as important as the fundamentals.
''Be confident:
-sense of self that's independent of any external validation
-No need to have to use any personality other than your own
Offer value:
-Put your real personality on the line (authenticity)
-Be the party rather than trying to get into their party
-Have belief in your own standards and let people see the world through your eyes
-Don't react to the value you want from her, but rather, view her as a human being to have fun with
Assert dominance:
-Strong eye contact, body language, vocal tonality
-Lead the interaction
-Punch through the wall (approach with full anticipation of success, and fully "put yourself out there")
Be unreactive:
-Have your own sets of standards that are unaffected by superficiality or any conflicting realities about who you are
-Show no visible emotional reaction to tests or wanting anything from her''
These are the most important things to have. Then as you approach more and more girls you have more realisations.
You reach higher echeolons.
Where once you were a chode and were scared to even approach girls, you realise it is the only way and rejection doesn't even really exist. For example in a club, if you're not doing so well, girls will just generally turn away from you.
Where once you'd be afraid to kiss the girls, you realise how simple it really is. You escalate at every concievable opportunity, because you're becoming a dominant man.
Where once you might end up in the friends zone, even if this was the case, you can blast through as you're self aware and realise your frame of sexuality is much more powerful than her frame of ''friendship.''
Instead of talking to girls for 45 minutes using your wittiest lines, just to get her ''attracted'' you're already well on the way to a sexual relationship with the girl.
Once you have the fundamentals, and you're cool, you can get away with saying or doing pretty much anything, aslong as it's congruent with who you are.
This shit is so simple.
What was it like to be a chode again?
I honesty don't know... I can't remember.
I wouldn't go back to that shit for all of the money in the world.
I'm reminded of the scene in The Tao of Steve, where the guy says to Dex, ''I don't want enlightenment, I only want to get laid..''
and Dex replies, ''They're the same thing,''
and I believe that to an extremely high degree.
Tao of Steve: great film by the way. I *highly* recommend it.
''In the film, Dex is a seemingly unlikely thirtysomething lothario - an underachieving, overweight, overeducated former philosophy student turned Kierkegaard-quoting kindergarten teacher. Yet, he has developed a rather effective method for serial-seducing women until he meets his match in Syd, an equally smart, sharp-witted woman who is immune to his charms.''
Okay, so now I'm all psyched up, feeling like a human pepe le pew, it's time for me to sign out.
Be desireless, be excellent, and I'm gone.
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