I really love this time of year, the weather, the decorations, the music, the way the cold feels on the skin, the general sense of well-being and that sense of hope you get in season. I've felt like that for a while, so I wonder is it any coincidence with a synergy like that, I traditionally also get my best results with women at this time of year?
I've been trying to break it down, what exactly it is that creates this state within me, a state that to me feels better than picking-up hot models
I think it goes back to when you were a kid, that sense of anticipation. Having something to really look forward to. In this case Christmas day. Which goes against what Tolle says about living in the moment. Is there anything wrong with this? Hell no, as long you're aware of it. It's all about the happiness.
One thing, I'm realising more and more lately is that I have to make *myself* happy, I can't rely on anyone else to. I'm living more and more in the moment and seeing how I should be spending every second as a means to self-fulfillment.
Whereas before, I'd go to the gym because I wanted to get a six-pack because for some reason, I imagined that it would be the missing piece of the puzzle. That somehow ripped abs would transform my horrific visage and I would be a pulling every girl in the world.
EGO or what?
Nope, now if I go to the gym it's in order to become fitter, and stronger, I also enjoy the sense of well-being that comes from after a good-workout, the shift is, now it's for me.
Books are another thing, I actually lost value in books, for a while this became the location of my search for the mythical magic bullet, instead of actually taking the time to enjoy this classical literature, the magical word play and actually embracing my ardour for them. I'd be rushing to the end, and be ultimately frustrated at not being able to get my fix of super-duper human intelligence, and the super fantastical, glorious word-play and conversational skillz whatever from them that would make me an uber-big hit with the ladies.
Before, I'd *ALWAYS* be searching for that one thing that would make me hot with women.
Then, after actually going out, one day it just hit me. I'd pulled a girl, and I was thinking what I had done right... what one thing would I put this glorious success down to. Was it my hair? My smell? My slimmer face? My toned body? My doing five miles on the treadmill everyday? My coolness? My awesome James Bondesque personality? And I realised, it wasn't just *ONE* thing, it was all of these things working in synergy.
And I was reminded of something, by a guy who I'd actually started to really dislike, and said to myself had absolutley nothing to offer me in the way of success with women...
Have you ever noticed that there's something strange about a lot of sargers?
It's as if you look at a guy, and you can just TELL that something is missing.
And some of these guys even do amazing in the field. They get great reactions most of the time, and sometimes even #s and !s. But, at the same time, they NEVER seem to have a girlfriend.
Most of the guys I know are like this. And there are a few reasons why: First, it goes back to one of my cardinal rules: The best way to sarge is to have something BETTER to do than to sarge. Some guys give up everything -- school, work, even GFs -- to learn to sarge better. But all these things ALLOW you to sarge better, because they make you a more COMPLETE person.
A problem I've noticed amongst some of the most dedicated posters here, especially those who got into ASF in their teens or early 20s,, is that they have INVENTED themselves through this theory. They are, to some degree, SOCIAL ROBOTS. And, after a great 20 minute set, it begins to show through to an HB that you don't have anything MORE going for you. The other problem with being a social robot is that you start to thing that everyone else around you is one too, and begin to read TOO MUCH into their actions.
Here's another thing Social Robots do: They treat Women completely differently than they treat Men. If they are around women, even at a lunch for work, they feel a stange shot of adrenaline and feel as if they have to sarge. Interactions with women are no longer normal; they become special occasions to feel a sense of self-worth. Your self-esteem is contantly at the mercy of the reactions of women.
Social robots also stop seeing value in things that are non-PU related, such as books and movies and even friends that they can't learn about PU from.
So, what I'm trying to say in short is that ASF and the PU lifestyle can give you SO much -- I know it's given me so much -- but it can take away a lot too. You can end up becoming just a one-dimensional person, a social robot.
The solution is to put your life back into balance; spend just an hour a day reading ASF/PU-related material; spend just three nights or afternoons a week sarging or hanging out with PUAs. Alternate PUA reading with good literature. Make it a HOBBY. And focus a greater share of your efforts on the job/achievements/success you want in life. If you can make something of yourself, the HBs will come and what you've learned here will prepare you to deal with them.
There's a book on cold-reading that basically breaks down all problems to Health, Wealth and Relationships. And each have an Internal and External component. (This btw is the book where Mystery got his theory on this from.) And you need to start DIVIDING your attention between ALL of these to be successful in any single one.
A lot of guys always ask how I got good so quickly. And I think that in addition to all the awesome things (like Mystery's workshop) that changed my life, I was well-rounded and interested in people to start with. So when I ran out of routines, I could still be INTERESTING and INTERESTED. Those two words in caps right there are, I think, the special sauce that can prevent a lot of flaking that guys here seem to get.
The reason I was reminded of this, wasn't because I was particularly 'socially-robotic' it was because he's right about having a balance in your life, and that having a good well rounded personality is very important. I by the way hate Neil Strauss/Style when it comes to this stuff and am vehemently against all of the bullshit PUA routines.
The problem with the article that I'm going to pin-point so for any readers of this, don't fall into the trap... what he's saying is still as far as I'm concerned still coming from the WRONG place. He's suggesting that you should get a life as a routine of sorts in order to become more attractive to women. A higher form of supplication anyone?
You have to get a life for YOURSELF, your motivation should be purely for your own happiness. As Tim from RSD says, the sexworthy man is only interested in entertaining himself.
This whole getting a girlfriend or getting laid isn't hard. Unless you make it hard yourself. I genuinely believe the balls in your court everytime.
And the whole game is as simple as ''Be cooler than the girl.''
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