Great video of some fantastic game in action. The subtelty of some of the stuff he does is fantastic.
Okay, so to the juice of todays article:
When should you escalate? Quickly and often, keep doing this shit until you are totally congruent, natural and comfortable with it.
My latest thing is telling girls that I'm a sexual predator... and that I'm going to hit on them. Does it make any difference? No, because I'm a cool guy, and just acting completely natural.
I simply don't care.
I just want to amuse myself. That's the most important thing.
Like I've mentioned on numerous occasions, it's all about being honest and authentic. I don't even see any reason anymore to lie to girls, because suggesting you have to lie to someone would also imply that deep down, you don't believe you possess the natural merit to have a fine lady of such a nature.
Perhaps you feel deep down you are a fatty, so fuck... forget about it and treat it like it doesn't matter, or go to the fucking gym and keep running and working out, dieting and sipping on protein shakes until you have abs to rival a comic book superhero.
Perhaps you feel deep down you're not intelligent enough or a good enough conversationalist to entertain this maiden. Well one, you don't have to entertain anyone apart from yourself. However if it's the case that this still troubles you, read a ton of books, load up on classical literature, interesting and cool movies, and documentaries.
Not cool enough? Well you're never going to be cool with that attitude, read GQ, and go fucking crazy, get drunk with your friends and cause a ton of chaos to amuse YOURSELF.
You're the superhero in this story, and can do whatever the fuck you want. The world literally revolves around you.
Remember *you* are the shit, and there's not unascertainable for such a grandious champion of heroism. (I was gonna put 'heroicness' is that even a word?)
You can be Hercules meets fucking Don Juan...
or you can just be yourself. Personally, I'd say being myself works WAY better, but eh.
You don't want to be to jabba the hut douchebag in the undersized reebok sweater. Be like water as Bruce Lee says, all at once beautiful, flexible, dangerous, placid and completely natural. An unstoppable and at the same time essential force of nature.
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