Thursday, 15 November 2007

Oh dear...

After noticing I've made twenty posts already this month, it would appear I'm becoming curiously addicted to 'blogging.'

Perhaps most perculiar and confusing, is that last night I enscribed a list of topics for potential future 'articles.'

It's no secret, and I've mentioned it before, that I'm determined to master and perfect my writing style; one day I hope to write a novel. A masterpiece that will be remembered.

My ambition is to be able to write prose that will put other contemporary and even past writers to shame, and leave them embarrased and humilliated by how 'feeble' their work is in comparison.

To be able to inspire possibly even change the course and direction of lives for the better.

To enlighten, captivate, fascinate and instill passion in people, and give them a greater feeling of appreciation for prose.

These are just a few of my ambitions. I suppose, in a way they say a lot about the kind of man I am.

So, I'll keep writing on here, with the condition, that I've promised and guarenteed myself I will only write thoroughly content-rich articles.

I've had blogs before, and know how you get frustrated and tiresome of them after several months and just want to delete them. With this one however, I want to use it to document my transformation over the next year, a personal odyssey to living the life of my dreams.

This will be my personal guidebook and reference book so any situation encountered will end gloriously for me in the future. :)

This whole page, will become so powerful, that the only outcome from reading it alone shall be total success, intelligence, inspiration, power, glory, deep identity level transformation, and personal enlightenment... and a very good time.

(As an aside, if this all appears to be thoroughly pretentious, I believe it was Brett-Easton Ellis, who said a writers first 100,000 words always are.)

Yep, but anyway, I've got a million and one things to do.



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