Monday, 19 November 2007


I ran down to the new gym, entered the building and they don't take credit card. I go to the cash point, and I can't remember my number, so I literally run back home, get the number and ride back.

The card doesn't allow me to withdraw cash.

I ride back in the bitter cold and horrible, drizzly rain. Dissapointed, but my resolve for ripped abs is too strong. This setback is irrelevant. I am relentless.

However, these weren't the only setbacks. I had several of my amazon purchases declined, because I stupidly didn't activate the card. I can be very retarded at times. It's truly surprising I am alive.

I get a phone-call on my mobile off a witheld number, saying they are Natwest bank. For some reason or another I become dubious, and paranoia comes over me. I question them. Then I say 'ah, yea, that was me.'

Today has gotten off to an unusual start. I will be in work soon, where the weirdness will undoubtebly continue.

There's not really any particular reason for writing this.


I am a walking t-shirt syllogism.

As for my feelings the Rebecca situation 3days on. A similar thing happened around this time last year. I just don't give a fuck. Did I mention IRRELEVENT?

I have a small group of friends, who are highly dependable. They will always be more important than any girl. Besides, women are in abundance, it's like everytime you lose one, there's another one or even half-dozen waiting just around the corner, ready for you to fuck them senseless.

This is the way life is. You've just got to accept everything for how it is.

Okay, I'm gonna get ready for work. Why don't I just work from home creating syllogisms for t-shirts? Why why why?



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