Monday, 7 January 2008

2008 goals so far.

Little in the way of incident has happened in the '08 thus far. No new girls. No crazy drunken shenanigans. No fights. No drama.

I intend to keep track of how my New Year missions are going week by week.

Gym.. thus far I'm going pretty much every day. I missed a few days. I'm totally back on track towards ripped abs now though.

Diet... so far I've been disciplined. I'm doing well on this one.

Everything else I'm pretty much failing on so far. I've drank on two occasions in the last six days and smoked. Whilst this hasn't rendered me in idiotoc situations. I know it's stupid. I should develop some kind of self-punishment. Something very masochistic and brutal. Silly Michael.

Dropping out of the skeevy seduction 'world' this shouldn't be too hard. The whole 'community' has pretty much gone down the pan now anyway.

No travel or anything yet. Possible trips to Amsterdam [obligatory] in the next few weeks. Ireland and Barcelona are possibilities.

Reading a book a week. I'm already slightly behind on this. I'll make up for it though. This is due to my incessant choding around last week. I'll finish the Tom Venuto book tonight and then get started on something stimulating.

The blog. Little has happened which is noteworthy thus far. It will get more and more glorious though.


Social networking sites? Losing interest in them already. Sort of.


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