Saturday, 19 January 2008

2008: 30day challenge number 1.

This is something I've decided I'm going to do this year. Set challenges in certain areas of my life in which to accomplish.

The first challenge of the year is therefore to become more economical and have my incomings surpass my outgoings.

My current bank balance at time of writing is £-315.

Day one:
My spending today was £34.54
Today I worked and earned £20.58.
Which leaves me a deficit of -£13.96

My plan of action pertains to stopping drinking, which I believe will save me approximately £150 this month. [Between 13/12/2007 and 11/1/2008 I spent £266.59 on nights out. Actually. It's quite worrying. Over the course of a year that would be s £3199.08 spent on alcohol.]

Of course there's other substantial benefits to not drinking. The economical reasons are what I'm mainly interested in at the moment.

As of this moment. I am no longer a drinker I intend to save thousands of pounds and hundreds of thousands of empty calories this year.

Commuting. I have a lazy habit of getting taxi's. This is also being cut out.

As an aside: I believe I'm owed more money by ASDA. I look forward to getting it very much.

I thinks I'll start saving my pennies this year too.

2008. It's all about the lifestyle.


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