Saturday, 20 October 2007

This weeks goal...

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This week. I'm gonna be doing 3 cardio sessions a day.

One in the morning around Backhouse park [old school cross country style]
Heavy weightsGym Session. Treadmill interval training x6.
Evening Backhouse park.

Monday/wednesday: Daniel Craig style workout. Pyramid benchpress/shoulder-presses.
Tuesday/thursday: Boxing/Plyometrics/Legs.
Friday: Daniel Craig style workout. Swimming.
Saturday: Squats, lunges, kettlebell.

I'm gonna make a concious effort to stick to my diet using
Take my spirulina, fish-oil, digestive enzymes. Creatine.
Consume plenty of protein.
Listen to a lot of metal.

This should get me in really good shape for moshing and banging hotties.

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