Friday, 12 October 2007

Because lately....

Lately, I'm just really fascinated with weird stuff. Like the weirder the better. I'm interested in very nearly everything. I can't really put this into words. It just is what it is.

I'm becoming more demented by the day. It's great.

There's a total freedom in just not giving a fuck what people think of you at all.

I'm in the house all alone, I like being alone, I live better and I'm happier. I do what I want; no-one tries to put boundaries on me, and I totally live my life my own way. Everything is perfect. I become more creative, more intelligent, stay in better shape... it's good. I considered getting a real job, I think if this comes about, I'll move out into some kind of apartment and live a life like a modern Bukowski.

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I could become even more demented and have the best diet. Wake up every morning and take fish-oil and spirulina, go to a job I loathe... then go out on nights and pick up girls and take them back to my casa and *BOSH*, and when I kick them out of my house I can read all of the absurd books and great literature I've always wanted to; download music off of the internet illegally. And then imagine I am various rock-stars. Sleep and then repeat the cycle.

Or something like that.

Another person I've started liking lately is Hunter S. Thompson...

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I believe it was him who put it ''if something gets your blood racing, it's probably worth doing.''

Truer words, never spoken.



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