I'm getting sooo close to ripped abs, it's unreal... I can feel them bursting out. So long fat you fought a good fight.
From now on, this is the turning point, I'm gonna get in the best shape of my life ever, so I look and feel like a fucking Olympic athlete every-morning when I wake up, and get laid like a fucking rock-star everynight I go to bed, with the stamina of like Ronaldinho.
I am gonna live every day with an unrivalled zest and passion.
I want so much in life... I want to be super good-looking, I want to be able to run 12miles in about 2and a half hours. I want an awesome body, sexy muscles, I want my pick of the hotties woooo. I'm aware this all sounds very egotistical heh.
But as a man, I've always believed it is important to have and achieve goals... I also believe what one man can do, another can do. I can't remember who said this, but getting something is as simple as 'knowing what you want, and being able to pay the price.'
As far as I'm concerned, if you're gonna aim for something. Aim all out, aim to be a fucking champ.
P.s. I also have to remember to chew more slowly, take smaller bites.
P.s.s. Get some fish oil.
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