Friday, 21 September 2007

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle...

Here are a collection of thoughts and things I have learned from ''A New Earth'' by Eckhart Tolle... it also reinforced a few things that I'd learned before.

-Drop the fucking ego.
-Come from a place of self-esteem and Being.
-Accept things EXACTLY how they are.
-Come from a place of ABUNDANCE.
-OFFER VALUE.... What are you offering? Whatever you offer you will get back.
-Be AWARE of your state.
-Stop trying to IDENTIFY with shit and seeking external validation. The only validation you require is by simply being.
-NON-JUDGEMENTAL acceptance.
-Thinking is bad.
-What people think of you doesn't even fucking matter.... it's none of your business.
-Be unreactive to external factors such as people and the environment around you.
-Do not become a participant in human drama.
-All limitations are imagined.
-Surrender to the present moment, there is only *NOW*.
-Live your life, assume absolutley nothing.
-If you need others to *fail* so that your life has meaning... you are relying on a person, or possibly even thousands or millions not to make it, in order for your life to have meaning. Not very good huh? Don't compare yourself or your success with others.

In the words of Tyler Durden, it's only after we've lost everything, we're free to do anything.


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