This next 28 days my intention is to get fully back on track with my reading, workout EVERY day. Get my abs totally ripped. I am a vein self-aggrandising douchebag afterall. Listen to Eckhart Tolle every night before bed. Start enjoying myself a lot more.
Fell off the wagon last night. Met my boys Butcher and Andy in White Room 9:30ish. We hang out shoot the breeze go to a couple of bars. Me and Butcher do a few approaches, all open well. ''Who would you rather have sex with Mick Jagger or Rod Stewart?'' I'm impressed at how sharp I am although I haven't been out much at all this year. I see a really hot looking girl. I do my smoothest approach of the night. Seamless transition off the opener, she's grabbing me and pulling me in. I get her number and eject. I'm pleased with myself, although I should have stuck in their longer and escalated until failure. I hate phonecalls and you can't fuck a phonenumber.
Nonetheless, we move on. All is pretty smooth. Go to another couple of bars and then hit the club. Butcher and I are competing to see who can hold a coversation the longest by saying only ''Matt Damon'' I actually stick in their for like fucking five minutes with one girl. I should have just clawed her in and madeout.
Damon is very solid.
We meet a couple of girls I know and go to a shitty latenight pizza place. I order a jacket potato with tuna and sweetcorn, the healthiest most nutritionally balanced dietary option on the menu. Although I shouldn't be eating starchy carbs after dark. Sit down next to one of the girls. Proceed makeout within fifteen seconds. Arguments and tempestuous food throwing is ensuing around me. I am too tired for all of this bullshit. I tell everyone to calm down and shut the fuck up and continue with my makeout session.
My friend and one of the girls leaves. I'm left with the girl I've been making out with. Back to the club. Well fuck, this is just shooting fish in the barrell. Hardcore tongue down, fingering deluxe. I'm concerned that I'm going to ruin the lay by going too far in the club. I qualify her on being a dirty little slut. Do a few minor venue changes. I keep it cool, my frame is tight. I look at the girl and empathise with her. I see the magical little angel within her soul, not the outer dirty little slut. Powerful.
Eventually we leave. Go back to mine. Sex. I kick her out of the house. All in all a decent night. The lay only took a few hours. My hiatus from the drinking and the club scene doesn't seem to have affected me at all. Sharp as ever. Few minor niggles, they'll smoothen out though. Lacklustre post tonight, but hey.
The moral of the story is, the more you do of something. The better you get. The more success you have. You begin to see patterns and from that you can't develop and be successful. Practise doesn't make perfect. Practise makes permanent. Permament practise makes perfect. Therefore aim for consistency.
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